Gratitude -Day 29

Vihaaya kaamaan yah sarvaan pumaamshcharati nihsprihah;
Nirmamo nirahankaarah sa shaantim adhigacchati.

The man attains peace, who, abandoning all desires, moves about without longing, without the sense of mine and without egoism.2.71 The Bhagavad Gita by Swami Sivananda

If you can set an intention to let go of one desire, one wanting – ( material or even emotional )- that you can do without, then you will watch with amazement how you are a step closer to peace. With the holiday season and gifting round the corner, what is the one thing you don’t really need in your life? Can you give it away if you have it or not find ways to acquire it if you don’t! The moment that decision is made, the longings dissolve and you will find the mind settling into peace. It is as simple as that – peace is at our fingertips, if only we give ourselves the opportunity to look beyond that manicure that we tell ourselves we must have. The manicure can be literal or it can be any ‘wanting’ that piles up. Learn to let go of material things first, learn to have enough and not more! This would enable us to let go of thoughts, feelings and emotions we hoard through time. One small step in the right direction is all it takes to get a taste of peace. And one taste is all it takes to transform a rumble into an avalanche. Letting go then becomes the path and peace the ultimate gift one would ever want to reach for! Such a yogi embodies peace- body, mind and heart. My hope is for everyone to get there someday, doesn’t matter when. Because what matters is the journey and how much we savor it. Gratitude🙏

2 thoughts on “Gratitude -Day 29

  1. I have been experimenting with minimizing my time on FB and insta. I will confess, it was not peace right away. There is certainly FOMO and some resltessness but I am also seeing that the grip they had on me is loosening, and in that I am seeing some glimpse of freedom… freedom to do other things. To be the one to make that choice.

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